Poetry Reading featuring Linda McCauley Freeman, Raphael Kosek and Kate Hymes, followed by Open Mic 

In honor of National Poetry Month, join poets Linda McCauley Freeman, Raphael Kosek and Kate Hymes for a bite-size evening of wonderful poetry! Each featured poet will share a sampling of her work, followed by an open mic where participants may share a sampling of theirs! This is a free event that welcomes all.

Wednesday, April 2, 2025
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Arts Mid-Hudson’s Gallery
696 Dutchess Turnpike, Suite F
Poughkeepsie, NY

  • Raphael Kosek is the author of AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY (2019) Brick Road Poetry Press, and two prize-winning chapbooks:  HARMLESS ENCOUNTERS (2022) and ROUGH GRACE (2014). Her essays and poems have received four Pushcart nominations and been featured on The Writer’s Almanac and Verse Daily. She is an editor at the Comstock Review and served as the 2019-2020 Dutchess County New York poet laureate where she teaches at Dutchess Community College. www.raphaelkosek.com

  • Kate Hymes was the 2024 Ulster County Poet Laureate, the first to be appointed by Arts Mid-Hudson. She has led Wallkill Valley Writers workshops for over twenty years. Her poems have been published in national and regional anthologies, most recently mightier: Poets for Social Justice, published by Calling All Poets, 2020.  She is currently working on poems inspired by the history of people of African descent in New Paltz and Ulster County.

  • Linda McCauley Freeman is the author of two full-length poetry collections THE MARRIAGE MANUALl (Backroom Window Press, 2024) and THE FAMILY PLOT (BWP, 2022) and has been widely published in international journals, including in a Chinese translation. She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has been the featured U.S. poet in The Poet Magazine and won Grand Prize in StoriArts’ Maya Angelou poetry contest, and honorable mention in the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards 2024. Lines from one of her poems are on display at the Civil Rights Memorial Museum in Montgomery, Alabama. She has an MFA from Bennington College and is the former poet-in-residence of the Putnam Arts Council. She lives in the Hudson Valley, NY, where she is a swing dance teacher and a yoga instructor. Follow her at www.LindaMcCauleyFreeman.com,