2025 Dutchess County Poet Laureate
Ruth Danon
Ruth Danon’s fourth book of poetry, Turn Up the Heat, was published by Nirala Series in 2023. Her prose and poetry have appeared in many publications in the United States and abroad, most recently in On the Seawall, Noon: The Journal of the Short Poem,Sunday Salon Zine, The Nu Review, and TheCAPS 25th Anniversary Anthology. Her work is forthcoming in Pratik, The Beltway Quarterly, and the Poetry is Bread Anthology, She has performed her poetry across the United States and abroad and has appeared in many podcasts and zoom readings For 23 years she taught in the Creative and Expository Writing Programs she designed and directed for NYU’s School of Professional Studies. Founder of Live Writing: A Project for the Reading, Writing, and Performance of Poetry, she teaches for Live Writing and New York Writers Workshop. A Bard College graduate, she now lives in Beacon, NY, where she curates literary events and works to create a community of poets. She was one of the founding curators of the BeaconLitfest@the Howland. More about her and her poetry and career can be found at https://www.ruthdanon.com/