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Art-Inspired Fiction Writing

Date: Wednesday evenings, January 15, 22, 29, February 5 and 12.

Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual on Zoom

Price Per Student: $5 Members | $15 Non-members

Workshop Description: Ever wonder about the characters in famous paintings? In this five-week Art-Inspired Fiction Writing program, participants will write stories inspired by paintings from American artists, including Edward Hopper, Andrew Wyeth, Lois Maillou Jones, and John Singer Sargent. Tap into your imagination and immerse yourself in various settings and time periods to bring the painted subjects to life! Join author and fiction writing teacher Kim Kovach, for fresh ideas on creating characters and writing from different points of view in this five-week virtual fiction writing/art history program. Registration required.

About the Teaching Artist: Kim Kovach teaches fiction writing, creative writing and personal story writing for adults. The author of six fiction books, Kim began teaching fiction writing in 2007 after the publication of her short story collection, A Few Bad Decisions. Since 2020, Kim's virtual fiction writing classes have expanded to include enthusiastic participants across the U.S., Canada, Europe and South America. Kim also writes a newspaper column and articles for magazines. Kim's short story, Gretel's Regret, was published in the 2023 anthology, Whatever Happened to Hansel and Gretel? Please visit her website at

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