Date: Craft Workshop: Wednesday, April 9
Publishing Workshop: Wednesday, April 16
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual on Zoom
Price Per Student: $5 AMH Members | $15 Non-members
Workshop Description: CRAFT & WRITING INTENSIVES: Getting Your Work out there from start to finish.with Linda McCauley Freeman
What does it take to make your writing soar off the page and into print? This publishing-as-a-goal workshop will be an intensive "how-to" exploration of that question. In this two-part workshop, we will cover
The poet Dana Gioia once said there are three different types of poems: Personal (written just for you), Professional (written for the world) and Permanent (written to be immortalized). Craft is what elevates the first to the second and possibly even the third! In this workshop we will roll up our sleeves on the question of craft, looking at published poems and writing a few of our own. No need to bring work to class. All writing will be generated in class.
Whether you are interested in publishing your first poem or your first book, this how-to workshop will cover how you can set goals, organize your poems, submit them, track submissions and track your success! For those who want to take their poems from the notebook (or computer) to the world.
Materials Needed: Participants should bring note paper and pen.
About the Teaching Artist: Linda McCauley Freeman is the author of two full-length poetry collections The Marriage Manual (Backroom Window Press, 2024) and The Family Plot (BWP, 2022) and has been widely published in international journals, including in a Chinese translation. She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has been the featured U.S. poet in The Poet Magazine and won Grand Prize in StoriArts’ Maya Angelou poetry contest, and honorable mention in the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards 2024. Lines from one of her poems are on display at the Civil Rights Memorial Museum in Montgomery, Alabama. She has an MFA from Bennington College and is the former poet-in-residence of the Putnam Arts Council. She lives in the Hudson Valley, NY, where she is a swing dance teacher and a yoga instructor. Follow her at, Facebook@LindaMcCauleyFreeman